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© 2020 Happy Vietnamese

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© 2020 Happy Vietnamese


Published 2015

My first book, “The Self Starter Guide to Self Development” was published in 2015 while being ingrained in the world of personal development. Life can be challenging, with many obstacles thrown our way. Some individuals can manage their emotions and navigate their complex circumstances while others struggle. I wanted to write a book that gave people motivation to want to improve their life.

I published the book on Amazon and readers can buy a hard-copy or read on their Kindle.

Making your way through life isn’t always easy. It’s even harder when you’ve already navigated partway through, and then you decide that you want to turn around, go back, start over, or head into a completely different direction. If you are sailing your ship and your internal compass is telling you that you need to start on a new path, you can! Whether you decide to start over or start at all, is never as simple as it seems. When you decide it is time to make a change in your world, it is always nice to get a little help. Everyone uses a GPS once in a while, which is what the Self-Starter’s Guide is all about. The book provides a roadmap from A-Z of the varied issues you face in your life. The book offers advice on how to tackle them head-on, and how to reach your destination with flags waving and colors flying! It’s never too late to start!